Monday, November 21, 2011

02 : People

Today was quite a day for me. I did not waste any of my time by doing nothing. I woke up pretty late and went to the imigration to have my passport done. What I saw when I was at the imigration today was not something very nice to see. Hahah! It's the people in the imigration. Whether the officers or people who came to have their passport done like me.

Officers - Looks grumpy, and even raised their voice when we couldn't hear what they were saying. Please, it's not my fault, the place was so noisy and crowded. Noise especially from the children.

Speaking of those children, parents please control and teach your children how to bring themselves up in the public. Seriously, the public place like the imigration is not a place for your children to shout and run around like it's their own house. We don't blame the child for they don't know how to differentiate which place is right to run & scream around and which place isn't. So, it reflects on you, parents on your parenting skills and also reflect your personality. If the child wants to run and scream at a park, that's fine with the society. But at the imigration office? I don't think so. The last thing you want is for people to say you have bad parenting skills and the people around you finds your child annoying. Even the cutest child can be annoying when they annoy people.

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